Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day

It was a wonderful Mother's Day! Mainly a lazy day at home since the weather was a bit gloomy, but we had a great day nonetheless. Micol was still here and enjoyed lunch with us. Later in the afternoon Steven and Julie came over for a while. Grandpa Zoom returned from Florida and arrived in time for dinner...

Gioel took Luca to a special shop called "Lobster Place" and they brought home fresh live lobsters. He made one of my favorite lunches - lobster rolls and chips. It was incredible!

With both my boys before dinner:

Wolfgangs for dinner. Max was completely passed out. That worked out nicely. Luca ate nearly half a porterhouse - his favorite.

Check out the dessert. Luca's eyes were glazed over before he even took the first bite!

Family shot

Thanks to everyone for making my Mother's Day so special. Thanks to my own Mom for being such a great teacher - you are so loving, selfless and thoughtful. Thanks to my boys for bringing so much joy and love into my life!

1 comment:

Sherry said...

Glad to see you had such a nice Mother's Day. The first photo of you and Max- you look beautiful! Enjoy him while he is so little- before you know it he will be 2 and throwing a temper tantrum (not that my 2 year old ever does that)!