Saturday, February 9, 2008

Luca Monologue

Here is an amusing video of Luca we took this morning. We transcribed most of what he says. To us its pretty clear, but I think thats because we hear his chattering all the time!

go outside
rocky roo (the name of his horse)
little big horse

on top
on top of the world!
sit here
cars and buses

go to sleep
that what i do
go to sleep
wake up! wake up! wake up!

here comes the bus! here comes the bus!
the bus makes noise

rocky roo whatcha doin?

this hurts the puppy
(which he knows since he smacked himself on the head with it by accident not too long ago)

the puppy's naked!
i'm sorry
puppy's naked! wear a sweatshirt?
put it on his toes

if i dont love it, i dont swallow
(this is referencing his favorite part of Ratatiouille where skinny food critic Anton Ego says "I dont like food, I love it! And if I dont love it, I dont swallow!")
fuzzy wuzzy!

wheels on the car
wheels on cars and buses
taxi cab, another taxi cab
the cab went that way! its goin that way!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what a wonderful video of Luca, so cute, what a little chatterbox, isn't it wonderful...... hope you are all well.xx Emma, Nick, Dylan and William xx