Thursday, November 15, 2007

Luca's First Haircut

Luca had his first haircut yesterday. We went to a little boutique around the corner called Whipper Snippers, which is an adorable toy store with a kids hair salon in back. Luca sat in a Jeep Wrangler, watched Elmo and ate a lollipop while he got trimmed.

He didn't like wearing the apron very much since it was difficult to steer the truck and eat the candy with the cape in the way. So, it came off and hair was everywhere! We had an extra shirt handy so he went home fairly clean and not too itchy.

"Shave and a haircut! Shampoo!"
Thanks to Pop-Pop, we sing this song a lot. And now, anytime I mention to someone about Luca's new haircut, he chimes in "Shampoo!!!"

He looks like a neater, cuter version of himself now. His hair is pretty fair and still he doesn't have too much - so it wasnt a drastic change. It isnt so straggly anymore. The hair around his temples and over his ears still hasn't come in thick yet, so he is almost sporting a "fade" by default :)

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